Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler

"Let the good times roll!"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What I love about the Ham...

What Birmingham has that New Orleans doesn't, is most of my friends. I do love having so many different groups of friends here - it makes our social life very diverse. There are the friends from college (both Auburn & Alabama), friends I've met through work and networking, the downtowners and the few family friends (plus one brother-in-law). So I can have something to do every night of the week if I want.

And there is nothing better than having that nice balance of guy and girls friends in the same location. So if I want to go shopping or see a movie, I know who to call. Or if there is a great game on or I want to go hear a band, I also know who will be up for it. I adore girl-time with my Auburn blondes or or throwing darts with the guys at Rogue Tavern.

It just makes Birmingham more fun having friends to hang with - shout out to all my peeps!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that. Thats why college is so great for everyone. B/c all your friends are within miles of each other. Everyone can be at the same spot within 10-15 minutes. Thats one thing I really like about Birmingham. It's not TOO big of a city. My friends are spread out but we all can meet fairly quickly. Unlike ATL or other big cities where its hard to get around quickly, In the Ham I can be downtown pretty quick.. or over to Patton Creek in a split. Everyones able to meet up soon without planning their entire day around it. Where else can you get a cap ride anywhere in the city for under 20 bucks?...
